The success in introducing a product in the market depends, in a huge percentage, on the knowledge of the taxes costs and the commercial requirements. In this sense, the work of a Custom Agent is quite important in order to find the most profitable customs status and to clear all documentations with the institutions involved in it:
- Import, export, transits, and Intrastat.
- Temporary admission and temporary exportation.
- Quotas and anti-dumping duties.
- International Post.
- Ships provisions, supply, vessel equipment and bunkering.
- Triangular operations, free practice, indirect exits, and successive exports.
- Inspections with other authorities: health for human consumption products, veterinary health, phytosanitary, pharmaceutical health, control of illegal fishing, SOIVRE, CITES, quality control, etc.
- Other customs procedures: end-use, inward and outward processing.
- Management of customs warehouse and free zones.
- Reliefs from Customs Duties: transferring normal place of residence, diplomatic procedure, secondary residence, school outfits, transfer due to marriage or inheritance.
- Excisable products.
- Fishing products.
- Iron & Steel products.
- Army material and dual-use items.
- Goods for building works.